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Album Cover
Poison Idea
Company Party

Album US 2016 on Voodoo Doughnut Recordings label
Alternative (Hardcore, Punk)

Tracks A2, A5, A8, B2, B5, B7 are actually covers, but were given other titles (probably for copyright reasons). A2: Zanzibar Stomp = We Will Rock You (Queen cover) A5: Born To Loose = Born To Lose (The Heartbreakers (2) cover) A8: You Big Dummy = Shot By Both Sides (Magazine cover) B2: We Care Not = I Don't Care About You (Fear (3) cover) B5: Free Direct Action = Death To The Sickoids (The Subhumans cover) B7: The Best = Motörhead (Motörhead cover) Recorded live at The Star Theater in Portland, OR on February 2, 2015 Limited edition / hand-numbered #/1000 on colored vinyl. Issued with a printed inner sleeve. Pressing company uncredited, identified by the matrix.

PortraitPoison Idea , 1980-2017 US
album by
PortraitChris Carey b, US
PortraitNathan Richardson dr,
PortraitBrandon Bentley g, US
PortraitEric Olsen g,
PortraitJerry A. ,
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Triple Chocolate PenetrationPoison Idea
2Zanzibar StompPoison Idea
3Cop An AttitudePoison Idea
4Don't Ask WhyPoison Idea
5Born Too LoosePoison Idea
6Plastic BombPoison Idea
7Deep SleepPoison Idea
8You Big DummyPoison Idea
9Taken By SurprisePoison Idea
10We Care NotPoison Idea
11Alan's On FirePoison Idea
12Time To GoPoison Idea
13Free Direct ActionPoison Idea
14Just To Get AwayPoison Idea
15The BestPoison Idea
16Punish MePoison Idea
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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