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Album Cover
Poison Idea
Mating Walruses

Album US 1993 on American Leather Records label
Alternative (Hardcore, Punk)

A video history.

PortraitPoison Idea , 1980-2017 US
album by
M. Waldhart photography
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Think TwicePoison Idea
2SpyPoison Idea
3Cult BandPoison Idea
4Last OnePoison Idea
5Jailhouse RockPoison Idea
6Hangover HeartattackPoison Idea
7The TemplePoison Idea
8Short FusePoison Idea
9Laughing BoyPoison Idea
10TypicalPoison Idea
11LifestylesPoison Idea
12Thorn In My SidePoison Idea
13Push The ButtonPoison Idea
14AAPoison Idea
15Getting The FearPoison Idea
16Made To Be BrokenPoison Idea
17MotorheadPoison Idea
18A Brief Push The Button And TypicalPoison Idea
19We Got The BeatPoison Idea
20Cop An AttitudePoison Idea
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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