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Album Cover
Chambre 1512

Album FR 2004 on Mercury label
Pop (Europop)

Includes a comic strip as the bonus feature for the limited edition.

PortraitPremix , FR
producer, vocals, album by, guitar, human beatbox, vocals, lead guitar
PortraitBenjamin Constant p, key,
keyboards, programmed by, producer, recorded by, arranged by
PortraitEdouard Algayon g, FR
songwriter, composed by, songwriter, composed by, guitar, programmed by, lead guitar, electric guitar, guitar, vocals, rhythm guitar, lead guitar
PortraitPierre Bouley g, voc, FR
songwriter, composed by, human beatbox, songwriter, composed by, rhythm guitar, songwriter, vocals, slide guitar, songwriter, human beatbox, songwriter, composed by, acoustic guitar, composed by, guitar, songwriter, composed by, guitar, vocals
PortraitRomain Billard voc, g, FR
songwriter, composed by, human beatbox, composed by, vocals, human beatbox, composed by, guitar, guitar, vocals
PortraitElodie Frégé voc, *1982 FR
PortraitPascal Jadaud ,
songwriter, composed by
Bertrand Lamblot art direction
Jean-Marc Lubrano art direction, photography by
Alexandra Cubizolles art direction, assistant
Alexandre Saltiel artwork
Sandrine Lebars executive-producer
Chab mastered by
Tony Smalios mixed by
Rodolphe Sampieri mixed by, assistant
Christian Lachenal producer, recorded by
Edouard Algayon producer
Deusemer backing vocals
Premix backing vocals
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1IntroPremixEdouard Algayon, Pierre Bouley, Romain Billard1:07
2Oui Ou NonPremixEdouard Algayon, Pierre Bouley, Romain Billard3:21
3Le Dernier Des ImbécilesPremixEdouard Algayon3:28
4C'est DinguePremixPierre Bouley3:42
5L'Homme Sans FaillePremixRomain Billard3:25
6On Roule Tous Les DeuxPremixPierre Bouley2:45
7EllePremixEdouard Algayon5:14
8HarryPremixEdouard Algayon3:56
9De Sang FroidPremixPierre Bouley3:59
103 Minutes 30 SecondesPremixEdouard Algayon, Pierre Bouley3:30
11Peut-Être Ou PasPremixEdouard Algayon, Pascal Jadaud3:54
12MelancolyPremixRomain Billard2:46
13Hey Young GirlPremixEdouard Algayon, Romain Billard3:33
14La Lune Et ClairePremixPierre Bouley1:50
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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