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Progres 2

Band, *1977 CZ, Brno
A.k.a. Barnodaj Progres-Pokrok Skupina Jana Sochora The Progress Organization

Czech rock group from Brno, led by drummer and composer Zdeněk Kluka. Formed in 1968 as The Progress Organization which disbanded in 1970. The members then worked as backing musicians for pop artists within Skupina Aleše Sigmunda or Skupina Jana Sochora until the mid-1970s. Re-appeared briefly as Barnodaj in 1977, before settling on “Progres 2” as group name. In the late 1980s/early 1990s also performing as Progres-Pokrok (‘pokrok’ means ‘progress’ in Czech). Current members: Zdeněk Kluka, Pavel Váně, Pavel Pelc, Miloš Morávek, Roman Dragoun.

PortraitMilan Nytra
key, voc *1959 CZ
PortraitAleš Bajger
voc, g
PortraitRoman Jež
p, key CZ
PortraitPavel Váně
voc, g *1949 CZ
PortraitMiloš Morávek
g, bvoc *1951
PortraitRoman Dragoun
key, voc *1956 CZ
PortraitZdeněk Kluka
dr, voc *1947 CZ
PortraitPavel Pelc
eb, voc *1949 CZ
PortraitKarel Horký
syn, clv *1958 JP
PortraitPeter Peteraj
g, eg
Popular Tracks   
Muž, Který Se Podobá Odvrácené Straně Měsíce on Třetí Kniha Džunglí by Progres 2
Planeta Hieronyma Bosche II on Dialog S Vesmírem by Progres 2
Píseň O Jablku on Dialog S Vesmírem by Progres 2
To Já Se Vracím on Třetí Kniha Džunglí by Progres 2
Země 2555 on Dialog S Vesmírem by Progres 2
Planeta Hieronyma Bosche I on Dialog S Vesmírem by Progres 2
Odlet on Dialog S Vesmírem by Progres 2
V Zajetí Počítačů on Dialog S Vesmírem by Progres 2
Paní Óm on Tulák po hvězdách by Progres 2
Svět Džungle on Třetí Kniha Džunglí by Progres 2

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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