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Band, *1998 NO, Tromsø
Dance and Electronic
A.k.a. Torbjørn Brundtland, Svein Berge Emmanuel Splice Señor B. + Señor B

Norwegian electronic producer duo Their name Röyksopp, derived from Norwegian "røyksopp", translates into English as "puffball" or "mushroom cloud". This type of mushroom is notable for the misty cloud created when it releases its spores. There is also an obvious hallucinogenic double meaning to the name. Or perhaps a reference to the plume of smoke during an atomic explosion. Also, "Eple" from the first album translates to English as Apple.

PortraitSvein Berge
voc *1976 NO
PortraitTorbjørn Brundtland
key *1975 NO
Popular Tracks   
What Else Is There? on The Understanding by Röyksopp
Here She Comes Again on The Inevitable End by Röyksopp
Eple on Melody A.M. by Röyksopp
So Easy on Melody A.M. by Röyksopp
Remind Me on Melody A.M. by Röyksopp
In This Shirt - Royksopp Remix on In This Shirt by The Irrepressibles
Do It Again - True Electric on Do It Again by Röyksopp
Oh, Lover on Profound Mysteries II by Röyksopp
Running to the Sea on The Inevitable End by Röyksopp
Monument - The Inevitable End Version on The Inevitable End by Röyksopp

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Membership

Title Artist Year Type
Scandinavian FeelingsIiro Rantala, Gundelach, Fismoll, Lars Danielsson, Phaedra, Röyksopp, Undergrünnen2017Compil.
Here She Comes AgainRöyksopp, Jamie Irrepressible2016Album
Never EverRöyksopp Feat. Susanne Sundfør2016Single
I Had This Thing / Dem Howl (Joris Voorn Remixes)Röyksopp / Audion2015Album
I Had This Thing (Remixes)Röyksopp2015Album
Monument (Remixes)Röyksopp & Robyn2014Album
SayitRöyksopp & Robyn2014Album
Do It AgainRöyksopp & Robyn2014Album
Sordid AffairRöyksopp2014Single
Do It AgainRöyksopp & Robyn2014Album
Monument (The Inevitable End Version)Röyksopp Feat. Robyn2014Single
Every Little ThingRöyksopp & Robyn2014Album
The Inevitable EndRöyksopp2014Album
Ice Machine / Flat Of Angles (Pt.2)Röyksopp / Benedict Cumberbatch2013Album
Ice Machine (Remixes)Röyksopp2013Single
Running To The SeaRöyksopp Feat. Susanne Sundfør2012Single
Keyboard MilkRöyksopp2011Single
Forsaken CowboyRöyksopp2011Album
Chocolate Liquiladed / Tricky Drum & BassKylie Minogue / Röyksopp2010Album
Tricky TrickyRöyksopp2010Album
None Of DemRobyn Featuring Röyksopp2010Album
The DrugRöyksopp2010Single
Junior (Album EPK)Röyksopp2009Single
The Black SessionsRöyksopp2009Album
Happy Up HereRöyksopp2009Album
The Girl And The RobotRöyksopp2009Single
This Must Be ItRöyksopp2009Album
What Else Is There (Breaks Mix)Röyksopp2007Single
Back To MineRöyksopp2007Album
What Else Is ThereRöyksopp2007Single
Röyksopp's Night Out (Live EP)Röyksopp2006Album
Beautiful Day Without YouRöyksopp2006Single
Beautiful Day Without YouRöyksopp2006Single
Only This MomentRöyksopp2005Single
The UnderstandingRöyksopp2005Album
The UnderstandingRöyksopp2005Album
What Else Is There?Röyksopp2005Single
Greatest HitsRöyksopp2005Compil.
What Else Is There?Röyksopp2005Single
49 PercentRöyksopp2005Single
The Understanding / Melody A.M.Röyksopp2005Album
49 PercentRöyksopp2005Single
We Used To Be Friends / EpleThe Dandy Warhols / Röyksopp2003Album
A taste from Melody A.M.Röyksopp2002Album
Remind MeRöyksopp2002Single
Remind Me / So EasyRöyksopp2002Single
Melody A.M. (U.K. TV Spot)Röyksopp2002Single
Live In PragueRöyksopp2002Album
Sound Of Violence / Remind MeCassius / Röyksopp2002Album
Poor LenoRöyksopp2001Album
Melody A.M.Röyksopp2001Album
Melody A.M.Röyksopp2001Album
I Don't Know What I Can Save You FromKings Of Convenience vs Röyksopp2001Album
So EasyRöyksopp1999Single
Röyksopp "Junior" MP3RöyksoppCompil.
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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