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Album Cover
Therapie Vor Dem Album

Album DE 2008 on Wolfpack Entertainment label
Hip-Hop/Rap and Reggae

(P)+(C) 2008 RAF Camora. "Mixtape" release.

PortraitRAF voc, AT
album by
PortraitNazar voc, *1984 AT
featuring, feat.
PortraitEmirez , DE
featuring, feat.
PortraitBizzy Montana voc, *1983 DE
featuring, feat., voice
PortraitChakuza voc, *1981 AT
featuring, feat., voice
PortraitD-Bo , *1978 DE
featuring, feat.
PortraitDJ Stickle voc, *1982 AT
featuring, feat.
PortraitSprachtot , *1982 DE
featuring, feat.
PortraitPireli , AT
PortraitAk-Montana ,
featuring, feat.
PortraitAsek , DE
featuring, feat.
PortraitJoshimizu , AT
featuring, feat.
Dyna Design artwork
Geniy Design artwork
RAF executive-producer, mixed by
SaleGer executive-producer, recorded by
Tobstarr executive-producer
Maximilian Hardinghaus mastered by
DJ Stickle photography by
Abaz producer
83 Sound producer
Mantra producer
Irievibrations producer
Beatlefield producer
Meo-Beatz producer
D-Bo producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
2Frag Mich NIchtRAF3:17
3Wenn Der Tag BeginntRAF3:14
4Nichts GesehenRAF3:45
53 AffenRAF3:01
6Party Zu 10tRAF4:32
7Bevor Ich GeheRAF3:22
9Skandal In 5-HausRAF2:52
10Aus Den Augen, Aus Dem SinnRAF4:52
11Der UntergangRAF2:33
12Pass Nicht Ins BildRAF2:57
14Beatlefield AllstarsRAF4:09
16Ruhe Vor Dem SturmRAF3:39
17Flammen Über WienRAF4:03
18Was Ihr RedetRAF3:41
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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