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voc, *1983 DE
of Hip-Hop/Rap
A.k.a. Tolga Görmemiş

Rapper with German and Turkish origin from Berlin-Steglitz, Federal Republic of Germany. Born on December 17th, 1983. Formerly a member of Hip-Hop group 41 Beatfanatika, he was signed to Endbest around 2009/2010, released one album there and suddenly switched to Hirntot Records in September 2010.

  • Hip-Hop/Rap
  • Electronic
Popular Tracks   
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Cagefight on Rako by Rako
Sinnlose Gewalt on Mentaler Kriegszustand 2 by Rako
Kranke Fantasien on Kranke Fantasien by Rako, Guterzogene Asis & Schwartz

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Members
Main ArtistMusiciansBandsInstrumentsGenresCountries

Title Artist Year Type
Ruf Der PflichtRako2014Single
Wir Bringen Das Drama 2Blokkmonsta & Rako2013Album
Para Bellum Sampler 1Rako / Jesa / Almoe / Trunk2011Album
NekromantikSchwartz & Rako2011Album
Nicht WegzukriegenRako & Die Kralle2011Single
Wie Ein SoldatRako2011Album
Lauter Stärker Besser HärterRako & Die Kralle2011Album
Söldner (Gastparts Vol.1)Rako2011Compil.
Para Bellum (Mentaler Kriegszustand 1.5)Rako2011Album
Kinder Des ZornsRako & Uzi2011Album
Full Metal JacketRako2011Single
Post MortemRako2011Album
Mein G3Rako2010Single
Crunke JungzSebar mit: Rako & Duell2010Single
Der BossRako2010Single
6 Fuss TiefBlokkmonsta & Rako2010Single
Hartes Business Mit Der MaskeBlokkmonsta & Rako2010Single
Hartes BusinessRako2010Album
Hartes Business ExclusiveRako feat. Meuss, MiZZioN, Astra030 & M-Hot2010Single
RauschgiftBlokkmonsta, Rako & Jasha2010Single
Southside StoryRako und Kraze2006Album
Mentaler KriegszustandRako2004Album
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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