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Album Cover
Randall Thompson - Aaron Copland, Whikehart Chorale
The Peaceable Kingdom / In The Beginning

Album US on Lyrichord label
Classical (Modern)

Made In U.S.A. Stereo: LLST 7124. Also available Mono: LL 124. A stereo record issued with the mono catalog number on cover front

PortraitRandall Thompson , 1899-1984 US
album by, composed by
PortraitAaron Copland p, key, 1900-1990 US
album by, composed by
Whikehart Chorale
PortraitLewis E. Whikehart ,
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1The Peaceable Kingdom (1936)Randall Thompson - Aaron Copland, Whikehart ChoraleRandall Thompson
2Say Ye To The RighteousRandall Thompson - Aaron Copland, Whikehart Chorale
3Woe Onto ThemRandall Thompson - Aaron Copland, Whikehart Chorale
4The Noise Of The MultitudeRandall Thompson - Aaron Copland, Whikehart Chorale
5Howl YeRandall Thompson - Aaron Copland, Whikehart Chorale
6The Paper Reads By The BrooksRandall Thompson - Aaron Copland, Whikehart Chorale
7But There Are They Who ForsakeRandall Thompson - Aaron Copland, Whikehart Chorale
8Have Ye Not Known?Randall Thompson - Aaron Copland, Whikehart Chorale
9Ye Shall Have a SongRandall Thompson - Aaron Copland, Whikehart Chorale
10In The Beginning (1947)Randall Thompson - Aaron Copland, Whikehart ChoraleAaron Copland
11The Seven Days Of Creation (Genesis: Chapter 1, Through 11:7)Randall Thompson - Aaron Copland, Whikehart Chorale
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