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Ray Anderson

tb, *1952 US, Chicago
Singer / Musician / Composer of Jazz

Ray Anderson (born October 16, 1952 in Chicago, Illinois) is an independent jazz trombone and trumpet player. Anderson is a boisterous trombonist who is masterful at multiphonics. Trained by the Chicago Symphony trombonists, he is regarded as pushing the limits of the instrument. He is a contemporary and colleague of trombonist/composer George Lewis. Anderson also plays Sousaphone and sings. He was consistently chosen as DownBeat Magazine's Critics Poll best trombonist throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s.

  • Trombone
  • Vocals
  • Congas
  • Percussion
  • Jazz
  • R&B/Soul
  • Blues
Popular Tracks   
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Azurety on Azurety by Ray Anderson, Han Bennink & Christy Doran
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At Last on Love Notes by Ray Anderson
Prodigal Son Revisited on The New York Composers Orchestra by Cleave Guyton, Robert DeBellis, Doug Wieselman, Marty Ehrlich, Jimmy Cozier, Ray Anderson, Art Baron, Dave Hofstra, Vincent Chancey, Tom Varner, Herb Robertson, Steve Bernstein, Lesli Dalaba, Wayne Horvitz, Lindsey Horner & Bobby Previte
Procrastination on The Enja Heritage Collection: Wow Bag by Ray Anderson & Slickaphonics
Electro Plasma on The Enja Heritage Collection: Wow Bag by Ray Anderson & Slickaphonics

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Members

Title Artist Year Type
Checking OutRay Anderson - Han Bennink - Ernst Glerum2016Album
Wrong Is RightOmri Ziegele, The Noisy Minority, Ray Anderson, Jan Schlegel, Dieter Ulrich2016Album
ArrabbiataFélix Stüssi 5 & Ray Anderson2014Album
Blues Bred In The BoneRay Anderson2014Album
Who Is In Charge?Ray Anderson, Han Bennink, Frank Möbus, Ernst Glerum, Paul Van Kemenade2011Album
A B DRay Anderson, Han Bennink, Christy Doran2011Compil.
Love NotesRay Anderson ,With Steve Salerno2011Album
BaijiFélix Stüssi 5, Ray Anderson2008Album
AgainIbrahim Electric Meets Ray Anderson2007Album
Ibrahim Electric Meets Ray AndersonIbrahim Electric Meets Ray Anderson2004Album
Nine Songs TogetherMark Dresser & Ray Anderson2003Album
Everybody Wants To Go To HeavenNew York Jazz Collective, Marty Ehrlich, James Zollar, Ray Anderson, Michael Formanek, Pheeroan Aklaff, Mike Nock2001Album
Bimwo SwingRay Anderson, Brande International Music Workshop Orchestra1998Album
VirageBernard Primeau Jazz Ensemble Guest Artist Ray Anderson1997Album
David Murray Quintet With Ray Anderson & Anthony DavisDavid Murray Quintet With Ray Anderson & Anthony Davis1996Album
Planet ConstructionWhen Granny Sleeps Featuring Ray Anderson1996Album
Alternate Currents (a Grammavision Sampler)Ray Anderson, Clusone Trio, John Scofield, Ron Miles, Medeski Martin & Wood, Peter Apfelbaum, Bill Frisell, Kermit Driscoll, Joey Baron, Bobby Previte, Bob Moses, David Fiuczynski, John Medeski, John Carter1996Compil.
Cheer UpRay Anderson, Han Bennink & Christy Doran1995Album
Big Bone & BandJerome Thomas, Ray Anderson1995Album
SliderideRay Anderson, Craig Harris, George Lewis & Gary Valente1995Album
Big Band RecordRay Anderson1994Album
AzuretyRay Anderson, Han Bennink, Christy Doran1994Album
ConversationsKarl Berger With James Blood Ulmer / Ray Anderson / Carlos Ward / Dave Holland / Mark Feldman / Ingrid Sertso1994Album
Every One Of UsRay Anderson1992Album
WishboneRay Anderson1991Album
What BecauseRay Anderson1990Album
Old Bottles - New WineRay Anderson1988Album
Alte Leidenschaften Special Guest Ray AndersonAlte Leidenschaften / Ray Anderson1988Album
Blues Bred In The BoneRay Anderson1988Album
The LeapRoberto Ottaviano Featuring Ray Anderson1987Album
It Just So HappensRay Anderson1987Album
You BeRay Anderson, Mark Helias, Gerry Hemingway1986Album
Right Down Your AlleyRay Anderson1984Album
Harrisburg Half LifeRay Anderson1980Album
OahspeRay Anderson, Mark Helias, Gerry Hemingway1979Album
I Saw The LightDelbert Barker, Ray AndersonSingle
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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