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Album Cover
Raygun Cowboys
The Cowboy Code

Album CA 2017 on Stomp Records label
Alternative (Psychobilly, Punk, Ska)

C&P (circled) Stomp Records 2017 All songs by Raygun Cowboys except "Painful Reminder" by Ken Chinn, Rob Johnson, Mark Belke, Brent Belke, Dave Reese. Recorded, mixed, mastered by Terry Paholek at The Physics Lab, Edmonton, AB. Canada. This project is funded in part by FACTOR, the Government of Canada and Canada's private radio broadcasters. Ce projet est financé end partie part FACTOR, let gouvernement du Canada et les radiodiffuseurs privés du Canada. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, copying and rental of this recording is prohibited by law. Tous droits réservés. Sans autorisation, la duplication ou la location de ce disque sont interdites sous peine de poursuites judiciaries. Distributed by/distributé par Warner Music Canada Co., 155 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 401, Toronto, Ontario M2H 3N5. A Warner Music Group Company. Une entreprise de Warner Music Group.

PortraitRaygun Cowboys ,
album by
Terry Paholek recorded by, mixed by, mastered by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1It's Coming DownRaygun Cowboys
2Don't Want You AnymoreRaygun Cowboys
3One More TimeRaygun Cowboys
4Let The Road DecideRaygun Cowboys
5No PeaceRaygun Cowboys
6Painful ReminderRaygun Cowboys
7She Came From KainaiRaygun Cowboys
8RobocpRaygun Cowboys
9Skitzo Frame Of MindRaygun Cowboys
10Back To YouRaygun Cowboys
11Storms A BrewinRaygun Cowboys
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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