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Album Cover
Red Simpson
Truck Drivin' Fool

Album US 1967 on Capitol Records label
Country (Country, Honky Tonk)

PortraitRed Simpson key, 1934-2016 US
album by, written by
Capitol Photo Studio photography
Howard Risk photography by
Ken Nelson producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Diesel Smoke, Dangerous CurvesRed SimpsonCal Martin2:34
2Sleeper, Five-By-TwoRed SimpsonBuddy Mize3:25
3Black Smoke A Blowin' Over 18 Wheels (That's Home Sweet Home)Red SimpsonRed Simpson2:20
4Truck DaddyRed SimpsonBuck Owens, Red Simpson2:38
5Take Me HomeRed SimpsonGene Moles, Red Simpson2:29
6JackknifeRed SimpsonRoy Baham2:35
7A Tombstone Every MileRed SimpsonDanny Fulkerson2:28
8Born To Be A TruckerRed SimpsonRed Simpson2:19
9I'll Be Goin' Home To MommaRed SimpsonRed Simpson2:34
10Piggyback BluesRed SimpsonSteve Graham2:49
11Truck Drivin' FoolRed SimpsonDennis Payne, Red Simpson2:27
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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