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Album Cover
Redd Land
De Tiempos Pasados

Album AR 2004 on Viajero Inmovil Records label
Rock (Prog Rock)

℗ 2004 © 1983 Grabado en Estudios Tubal s.r.l. de Villa Adelina entre Abril de 1982 y Febrero de 1983 Remastizado de sus cintas originales en Septimebre de 2004 Recorded in 1983 but never released, contains tracks from bands Cerione participated in: Trigémino, Vassa, La Piedra, Redd, La Pequeña Banda de Tricupa 1. Parto (No Permitas) - La Pequeña Banda de Tricupa 2. El Loco - Redd 3. Serpentario - Vassa 4. Tan Lejos, Esta Tarde - Vassa 5. Meddley / Consuelo - La Pequeña Banda de Tricupa 6. Meddley / Cuerpo - La Pequeña Banda de Tricupa 7. Grito (Las Golondrinas) - La Pequeña Banda de Tricupa 8. Sin Pena Ni Gloria - Trigémino 9. Pobre Lago - La Piedra 10. Proa Al Infinito - Trigémino

PortraitRedd Land ,
album by
Felipe Surkan
artwork, diagrams
PortraitEsteban Cerioni voc, b,
text by, vocals, chorus, arranged by, art direction, executive-producer, producer, bass, rickenbacker, bass, fender jazz bass, bass, fender preciossion, lyrics by, modifications, written by, acoustic guitar, lyrics by, synthesizer, moog, piano, yamaha, electric guitar
PortraitDaniel Wirzt dr,
PortraitRicardo Mollo g, voc, *1957 AR
electric guitar
PortraitFito Páez voc, key, *1963 AR
piano, rhodes, piano, yamaha cp70
PortraitErnesto Dmitruk ,
electric guitar
PortraitJorge Minissale ,
electric guitar, written by
PortraitCarlos Garofalo ,
lyrics by, electric guitar, chorus, written by, vocals, synthesizer, polymoog, piano, yamaha cp70, synthesizer, moog, written by, lead vocals
PortraitLito Vitale key, *1961 AR
synthesizer, minimoog
PortraitJuan Escalante dr, perc, p, syn, voc,
written by, drums, lyrics by, modifications
PortraitRubén Goldín ,
acoustic guitar
PortraitZappo Aguilera ,
PortraitMiguel Pérez b, acg, eg, fl, voc,
concert flute, instruments, aerophones
PortraitTrigémino ,
arranged by
PortraitMarco Tulio Pusineri ,
Sergio Tomatis artwork
Roberto Jasaja artwork, digital coloring
Lito Vitale technician, recorded by, mixed by
Esteban Cerioni backing vocals
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Parto (No Permitas)Redd LandEsteban Cerioni, Juan Escalante, Oscar Imhoff3:23
2El LocoRedd LandRicardo Gandolfo, Esteban Cerioni4:52
3SerpentarioRedd LandCarlos Garofalo, Esteban Cerioni3:53
4Tan Lejos, Esta TardeRedd LandEsteban Cerioni4:41
5Meddley / ConsueloRedd LandOscar Imhoff, Juan Escalante3:39
6Meddley / CuerpoRedd LandCollante, Roberto Giambastiani2:03
7Grito (Las Golondrinas)Redd LandJuan Escalante, Oscar Imhoff4:05
8Sin Pena Ni GloriaRedd LandCarlos Garofalo5:40
9Pobre LagoRedd LandRoddy Castro2:54
10Proa Al InfinitoRedd LandJorge Minissale, Carlos Garofalo4:48
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