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Album Cover
Dawn Of Victory / Promo CD

Album AR 2000 on NEMS Enterprises label
Rock (Power Metal)

Argentina promo release to promote the "Dawn Of Victory" album As on the release: ** incluye biografía del grupo, gacetilla de prensa, fotos de prensa, links a Internet, publicidad gráfica. el video de "Holy Thunderforce" y el catálogo completo de NEMS Enterprises. Acceder a la lectora de CD de tu computadora, seleccionar la carpeta Media con doble click, y abrir el archivo home.html Requisitos mínimos para PC: pc 486; windows 3.1; browser para Internet (Explorer 5.0 recomendado); Windows Media Player; lectora CD-ROM X 2; monitor 14"; 256 colores; tarjeta de audio y video; 16 Mb RAM. Requisitos mínimos para Macintosh: sistema 7.01; windows 3.1; browser para Internet (Explorer 5.0 recomendado); Windows Media Player; lectora CD-ROM X 2; monitor 14"; 256 colores; tarjeta de audio y video; 16 Mb RAM. * Tema 1 y 2 grabados, mezclados y masterizados por Sacha Paeth entre junio y agosto del 2000 en los Sascha Paeth Studios, en Wolfsburg, Alemania. The J-Card contains the transcription of the interview to Luca Turilli for the Epopeya Magazine. The release comes in a 7mm thick J-card case, like the ones used for singles in Japan and Europe. The CD is presented upside-down to show the CD artwork on the back. The cover and the CD have "CD PARA DIFUSION, PROHIBIDA SU VENTA" (CD FOR PROMOTION, SALE IS PROHIBITED) printed. This kind of releases were sent to journalists by NEMS in the late 90's/early 2000.

PortraitRhapsody ,
album by
PortraitFernando Serani ,
design, multimedia
PortraitLuca Turilli g, *1972 IT
Esteban Medaglia
Andrea Yeber design
Sascha Paeth recorded by, mastered by, mixed by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Holy Thunderforce (Corte Difusion Del CD "Dawn Of Victory).*Rhapsody4:20
2Dawn Of Victory, Del CD "Dawn OF Victory".*Rhapsody4:46
3Entrevista a Luca Turilli. 2000Rhapsody53:27
4Track Interactivo **Rhapsody
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