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Album Cover
Richard Felciano & Lou Harrison
Music For Organ, Gamelan, &c

Album US 1978 on Cambridge Records label
Electronic and Classical (Modern, Avant-garde)

Glossolalia - Ritual for electronic tape, percussion, baritone and organ Gending Pak Chokro - for Gamelan Orchestra In Celebration of Golden Rain - for Gemelan and Organ Recorded in Hertz Hall, University of California, Berkeley, using Cambridge C-5 microphones and dbx noise reduction Gatefold album cover. Title is printed on the spine.

PortraitRichard Felciano , *1930 US
album by, composed by, conductor
PortraitLou Harrison ob, 1917-2003 US
album by, composed by
PortraitMarvin Klebe ,
baritone vocals
PortraitRichard Festinger ,
PortraitLawrence Moe org,
PortraitPeter Maund perc,
PortraitThe Berkeley Gamelan Ensemble ,
PortraitCharles Sawyer ,
PortraitDaniel W. Schmidt , *1942 US
performer, metallophone, gendèr panerus
PortraitDavid Roach ,
PortraitJody Diamond voc,
performer, gong, bonang barung
PortraitKay Norton ,
PortraitKyle Rolnick ,
PortraitLaurence Leavitt ,
PortraitPamela Sawyer perc,
performer, gong, kenong
PortraitPaul Dresher g, eg, *1951 US
PortraitPeter Brody Plonsky , *1943
PortraitPiera Cheng ,
PortraitRobin Holcomb ,
PortraitStephen DeWitt ,
performer, metallophone, gendèr barung
PortraitNadia Tesluk ,
drum, kendang
PortraitKathy McIntosh ,
PortraitTrudy Fredericks ,
gong, bonang panerus
PortraitKaren Davis ,
gong, kempul
PortraitDavid Bergen ,
metallophone, saron barung
PortraitBruce Loeb ,
metallophone, saron demung
PortraitPiera Ho-Ying ,
metallophone, saron panerus
PortraitDavid Wills ,
metallophone, slentem
PortraitDavid Rosenthal perc,
xylophone, gambang kayu
Charles Fisher engineer, edited by, producer
John Bittner mastered by
Daniel W. Schmidt directed by
Jody Diamond directed by
Paul Dresher directed by
Jody DIamond directed by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1GlossolaliaRichard FelcianoRichard Felciano11:19
2Gending Pak ChokroLou HarrisonLou Harrison10:25
3In Celebration Of Golden RainRichard FelcianoRichard Felciano23:50
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