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Album Cover
Rikard Borggård
Real Humans (Äkta Människor)

Album MT 2014 on Kronos Records label
Soundtrack (Score)

Critically acclaimed Swedish sci-fi TV series Real Humans (Äkta människor) just completed its second season in Sweden. A big success in France (under the title Real Humans: 100% Humain) and sold to over 50 countries, the intelligent series about a society where hubots (humanoid robots) are a part of everyday life, features a highly stylish electronica-driven score by Rikard Borggård. Contrasting elements of bleak, electronic colors and low-fi, organic experimentalism with warm – perhaps real human? – themes for piano, the music is an important part of the series’ strikingly original style. MovieScore Media’s digital album will be followed by a MSM/Kronos CD release in May.

PortraitRikard Borggård ,
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Real Humans (Main Theme)Rikard Borggård2:43
2Introducing MimiRikard Borggård1:04
3The FamilyRikard Borggård1:44
4Leo And CarlRikard Borggård2:14
5By The LakeRikard Borggård2:14
6EvacuationRikard Borggård3:04
7Looking For MimiRikard Borggård2:15
8The ParsonageRikard Borggård1:54
9Odi And SilasRikard Borggård2:40
10The FieldRikard Borggård2:10
11Silas' ChildhoodRikard Borggård1:38
12ProgrammingRikard Borggård2:04
13Douglas And FlorentineRikard Borggård2:36
14HubsecRikard Borggård1:44
15The VirusRikard Borggård3:34
16BeaRikard Borggård3:50
17The MotelRikard Borggård2:20
18HubbattlelandRikard Borggård2:34
19Florentine’s PainRikard Borggård3:04
20Real Humans (Closing Theme)Rikard Borggård1:32
External Links
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