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Album Cover
Rikk - Love
2. Mahnung (7.97) 1997-07.17

Album CH 2017 on Love Music Swiss label

The fourteenth release and first and only promotional only release (containing live radio freestyle's and recording's on unofficial instrumentals from various) of the legacy catalog of a decade of rap in the Swiss language only from 1997-2007.

PortraitRikk - Love , CH
album by
PortraitPatrik Sandoz ,
composed by, instrumentation by, written by, vocals
Patrik Sandoz
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
102 1Rikk - Love1:21
202 2Rikk - Love2:28
3S'gid nada Bitch, ich trägs Härz vo de Stadt i mirRikk - Love0:57
4ChaosRikk - Love0:58
5Beschütz en vor all dene GängsterRikk - Love2:13
6Bye byeRikk - Love4:14
7S'git nix z'verhandleRikk - Love1:02
8Ich verzell der vo de SchwiizRikk - Love0:45
9Only youRikk - Love3:21
10Radio Juli 97 1Rikk - Love2:40
11Radio Juli 97 2Rikk - Love1:50
12Radio Juli 97 3Rikk - Love1:30
13Radio Juli 97 4Rikk - Love1:45
14Radio Juli 97 5Rikk - Love2:23
15Radio Juli 97 6Rikk - Love3:08
16Interview 2005 Radio 97.7 ShowRikk - Love8:08
17Är isch backRikk - Love2:29
18Bring das GäldRikk - Love3:41
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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