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Album Cover
Robert Bly, Galway Kinnell, Michael Benedikt, John Logan
Today's Poets Their Poems - Their Voices. Volume 5

Album US 1968 on Scholastic Records label
Spoken Word (Poetry)

PortraitRobert Bly , *1926 US
album by
PortraitGalway Kinnell , 1927-2014 US
album by
PortraitMichael Benedikt ,
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PortraitJohn Logan , 1923-1987 US
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Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Driving To Town Late To Mail A Letter, Three Kinds Of Pleasures, Driving Through OhioRobert Bly (2)3:04
2Driving Towards The Lac Qui Parle River, Love Poem, Talking Hands, Watching TelevisionRobert Bly (2)3:19
3Hatred Of Men With Black Hair, Counting Small-Boned Bodies, Driving Through Minnesota During The Hanoi BombingsRobert Bly (2)4:04
4Waking From An Afternoon Sleep, AwakeningRobert Bly (2)3:05
5First SongGalway Kinnell1:07
6The Avenue Bearing The Initial Of Christ Into The New World (Section 6 And Section 11)Galway Kinnell5:30
7The PorcupineGalway Kinnell4:13
8The BearGalway Kinnell4:01
9Air, The Cities, CoiffureMichael Benedikt3:36
10The Wings Of The Nose, The EyeMichael Benedikt2:38
11Some Litanies, Pink BudsMichael Benedikt3:39
12In Love With You, The European Shoe, Inside The MysteryMichael Benedikt3:58
13Song On The Dread Of A Chill Spring, The Brothers: Two SaltimbanquesJohn Logan (2)4:59
14Protest After A Dream, New York Scene: May 1958John Logan (2)4:17
15The PicnicJohn Logan (2)6:32
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