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Album Cover
Robert Ward
Black Bottom

Album US 1995 on Black Top Records label
Blues (Modern Electric Blues)

Recorded at Ultrasonic Studios, New Orleans, Louisiana, June and July, 1995

PortraitRobert Ward g, voc, 1938-2008 US
guitar, vocals, album by, written by
PortraitMark Kazanoff bs, *1949 US
arranged by, horns, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, written by
PortraitWard Smith bs, ts, as, US
arranged by, horns, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone
PortraitLee Allen Zeno b, *1954 US
PortraitGeorge Rains dr, perc,
PortraitDave Torkanowsky p, US
PortraitSammy Berfect org, p,
Ernest Youngblood, Jr
tenor saxophone
PortraitRick Trolsen tb,
PortraitJames Weber tr,
PortraitSteve Howard tr, voc,
Heather West coordinator
Diane Wanek design
David Farrell engineer, mixed by, edited by
Steve Reynolds engineer, mixed by, edited by
Nauman S. Scott executive-producer
Rick Olivier photography by
Hammond Scott producer, liner notes, mixed by, edited by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Lonely ManRobert Ward3:38
2ToeholdRobert WardDavid Porter, Isaac Hayes3:43
3Soul StrollRobert WardMark Kazanoff, Robert Ward4:55
4Silver And GoldRobert WardRobert Ward5:59
5Beyond This PlanetRobert WardRobert Ward3:33
6Black BottomRobert WardHammond Scott, Robert Ward6:55
7Yonder Goes My BabyRobert WardRobert Ward3:09
8You Ought To Stop ItRobert WardRobert Ward5:28
9Help The NeedyRobert WardBobby Eli, Carl Fisher4:35
10Meat Off The BoneRobert WardRobert Ward3:56
11Two Steps From The BluesRobert WardDeadric Malone, John Riley Brown3:05
12Titty BritchesRobert WardRobert Ward3:48
13Something Good Drivin' The Devil NutsRobert WardHammond Scott, Robert Ward4:50
External Links
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