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Album Cover
Rocket 88
Rocket 88

Album US 1981 on Atlantic label
Jazz, Rock and Blues (Jump Blues, Rock’n’Roll, Big Band, Piano Blues, Swing)

Quoted directly from album notes written by Ian Stewart: This album was recorded under less than ideal conditions at the Rotation Club in Hanover, West Germany - where the stage is 20 feet above the floor and most people watch from the sides. For some reason, the band was on fire that night, despite a long bus ride and the odd hangover or two. Although acoustically the club left much to be desired, I feel we have achieved one of the best live albums ever, with the sort of feeling that is never achieved in studios. Jack Bruce in particular played his ass off; and by the time "Roll 'Em Pete" ended the set, his fingers were bleeding profusely from playing double bass - something he has only rarely done in recent years. Although the album was recorded on 24 tracks, there are no instrumental overdubs. Everything is as it was on that night, and the editing scissors were only used on one number so that we could have four tracks on side two.

PortraitRocket 88 , GB
album by
PortraitJack Bruce voc, b, 1943-2014 GB
bass, vocals, written by
PortraitCharlie Watts dr, *1941 GB
design, cover, drums
PortraitAlexis Korner voc, g, 1928-1984 GB
guitar, vocals, written by
PortraitBob Jones , 1944-2009 GB
lacquer cut by, mastered by
PortraitBob Hall p, *1942 GB
PortraitGeorge Green p,
PortraitIan Stewart p, org, 1938-1985 GB
piano, producer, liner notes
PortraitDon Weller ts, sax, *1940 GB
tenor saxophone
PortraitHal Singer ts, *1919 US
tenor saxophone
PortraitJohn Picard tb, *1937 GB
PortraitColin Smith tr, 1934-2004 GB
trumpet, written by
Mick McKenna engineer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Rocket 88Rocket 88Pete Johnson
2Waiting For The CallRocket 88Jack Bruce, Pete Brown
3St. Louis BluesRocket 88W. C. Handy
4Roll 'Em PeteRocket 88Big Joe Turner, Pete Johnson
5Swindon SwingRocket 88Colin Smith
6Roadhouse BoogieRocket 88Pete Johnson
7Talking About LouiseRocket 88Alexis Korner
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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