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Album Cover
Rod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings

Album US 1972 on Warner Bros. Records label

Tracks on sides one and two are labelled sequentially, 1-14 on the cover and 1-15 on the label. Track A8, "Reprise-On Warner Bros. Where It Belongs" is on the label but not the cover.

PortraitRod McKuen voc, 1933-2015 US
producer, directed by, words by, narrator, spoken by, album by
PortraitAnita Kerr voc, *1927 US
producer, music by, arranged by, conductor, album by
PortraitThe San Sebastian Strings str,
album by
Kent Duncan mastered by, recorded by, re-recorded
Wade Alexander mastered by, recorded by, re-recorded
Wayne Massie mastered by, recorded by, re-recorded
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1WinterRod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings3:05
2Warm Beds And A Gathering Of HeadsRod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings3:01
3Laughter Through The CrystalRod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings2:13
4Snowflakes In The WineRod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings2:54
5Bertha's PlaceRod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings1:25
6The Winter Song (The Northern Lights)Rod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings3:27
7A Fist Full Of SnowRod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings2:13
8Reprise-On Warner Bros. Where It BelongsRod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings0:54
9The Frozen PondRod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings2:58
10Phantom Sleigh BellsRod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings1:50
11Snow JobRod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings2:00
12Ski RunRod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings2:00
13Some Silent WinterRod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings2:13
14And Every Day Was ChristmasRod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings2:18
15Lee, The Summer's OverRod McKuen, Anita Kerr, The San Sebastian Strings2:27
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