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Album Cover
Roland de Lassus / De Labyrintho
Prophetiæ Sibyllarum

Album IT 2006 on Stradivarius label
Classical (Renaissance, Religious)

Recorded 10 and 11 July 2006 at Chiesa di S. Maria e S. Zenone a Zugliano.

PortraitRoland de Lassus , 1532-1594 BE
album by
PortraitDe Labyrintho ,
ensemble, album by
PortraitAlessandro Carmignani voc,
alto vocals
Bronislawa Falinska
alto vocals, liner notes, english translation
PortraitDavide Benetti voc, b, IT
bass vocals
PortraitEnrico Bava voc, b, IT
bass vocals
PortraitGarrick Comeaux voc, b,
bass vocals
PortraitMarco Scavazza voc,
bass vocals
PortraitWalter Testolin voc, b,
conductor, liner notes
PortraitAnna Simboli voc, IT
soprano vocals
PortraitLaura Fabris org, IT
soprano vocals
Nadia Caristi
soprano vocals
PortraitFabio Furnari voc,
tenor vocals
PortraitGianluca Ferrarini voc, org, *1964 IT
tenor vocals
Luciano Bonci
tenor vocals
Renato Grotto
tenor vocals
Marco Taio edited by
Daniele Cernuto supervised by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Prophetiæ SibyllarumRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho
2Carmina ChromaticoRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho1:18
3Sibylla PersicaRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho2:07
4Sibylla LibycaRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho2:10
5Sibylla DelphicaRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho2:01
6Sibylla CimmeriaRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho2:18
7Sibylla SamiaRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho1:39
8Sibylla CumanaRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho2:02
9Sibylla HellesponticaRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho1:37
10Sibylla PhrygiaRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho1:37
11Sibylla EuropæRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho1:51
12Sibylla TiburtinaRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho1:52
13Sibylla ErythræRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho1:51
14Sibylla AgrippaRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho2:10
15-Roland de Lassus / De Labyrintho
16Magnificat "Præter Rerum Seriem"Roland de Lassus / De Labyrintho11:03
17Officium Natalis ChristiRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho
18Introitus: Puer Natus EstRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho6:02
19Alleluia: Dies SanctificatusRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho3:09
20Sequentia: Natus Ante SæculaRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho8:12
21Communio: Viderunt Omnes Fines TerræRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho1:29
22-Roland de Lassus / De Labyrintho
23In Principio Erat VerumRoland de Lassus / De Labyrintho9:48
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