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Album Cover
Ron Boustead

Album US 2013 on Art-Rock label
Jazz (Fusion)

PortraitRon Boustead voc, US
vocals, album by, written by
PortraitBill Cantos voc, key, US
arranged by
PortraitBrian Bromberg b, eb, *1960 US
PortraitPat Kelley g, US
PortraitRamon Stagnaro g, US
PortraitGregg Karukas p, *1956 US
PortraitMitchel Forman key, p, *1956 US
PortraitLuis Conte perc, *1954 CU
PortraitMunyungo Jackson perc, tim,
PortraitBill Cunliffe p,
PortraitKirk Whalum sax, ts, *1958 US
tenor saxophone
PortraitRick Braun tr, fh, *1955 US
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Moon SongRon BousteadLeo Minax, Nancy Strauss
2You're SensationalRon BousteadJon Lucien
3No Me Without YouRon BousteadAndreas Aleman, Ron Boustead
4Wishful ThinkingRon BousteadCarole King
5And Now?Ron BousteadFátima Guedes, Ron Boustead
6Careless WindRon BousteadFred Hersch, Ron Boustead
7Every Moment Of YouRon BousteadBilly Larkin
8Everything Be OKRon BousteadMichael McGregor, Ron Boustead
9Whatever HappensRon BousteadBill Withers, Larry Carlton
10Secret 'O LifeRon BousteadJames Taylor
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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