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Album Cover
Rowwen Hèze
'T Beste Van 2 Werelden

Album NL 1999 on HKM label
Rock and Pop (Folk Rock, Ballad)

CD1 Hits Compilation CD2 Theater Performance

PortraitRowwen Hèze , *1985 NL
album by
PortraitTren van Enckevort voc, acc,
accordion, piano, trombone, vocals
PortraitFlaco Jimenez acc, voc, *1939 US
accordion, vocals
PortraitJan Philipsen eb,
bass guitar
Horster Mannenkoor
PortraitArlia De Ruiter vn, NL
conductor, strings
PortraitMartin Rongen dr,
PortraitTheo Joosten g, voc,
guitar, slide guitar, vocals
Metropool Orkest
PortraitEddie Conard perc, *1956 NL
PortraitAd Vanderveen voc, g, *1956 NL
slide guitar
PortraitJack Haegens tr,
trumpet, trombone, bugle
PortraitGeert Waegeman , BE
PortraitJack Poels voc, g, *1957 NL
vocals, guitar
Boyke Brand directed by
Dick Bakker directed by
Ger Peeters photography by
Harry Muis photography by
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1VerzamelRowwen Hèze
2Rowwen HèzeRowwen Hèze3:40
3Bestel MarRowwen Hèze3:08
4't Roeie KliedRowwen Hèze3:37
5En Dan Is 't Mar DomRowwen Hèze3:22
6De Neus UmhoegRowwen Hèze4:51
7KroenenbergRowwen Hèze2:25
8KlompendansRowwen Hèze2:59
9LuchtRowwen Hèze2:25
10The Moon Is MineRowwen Hèze3:40
11Henk Is Enne Lollige VentRowwen Hèze2:32
12Heilige AnthoniusRowwen Hèze4:05
13She Stole My AccordeonRowwen Hèze3:13
14Zondag In 't ZuidenRowwen Hèze4:31
15Blieve LoepeRowwen Hèze3:45
16LimburgRowwen Hèze4:08
17Auto, VliegtuugRowwen Hèze3:57
18Auto, VliegtuugRowwen Hèze
19TheaterRowwen Hèze
20Intro: Auto, VliegtuugRowwen Hèze2:44
21NachtRowwen Hèze3:47
22WaterRowwen Hèze3:06
23LiefdeRowwen Hèze3:37
24Ik Wer AltRowwen Hèze3:04
25GoudRowwen Hèze5:01
26De Peel In BrandRowwen Hèze3:13
27De MoanRowwen Hèze3:14
28IJzeren ThijsRowwen Hèze3:00
29 Dichter Bij OwRowwen Hèze3:27
30 Blieve LoepeRowwen Hèze4:10
31 Twieje WurdRowwen Hèze3:25
32 De Zwarte PlakRowwen Hèze4:10
33 Wakker WereRowwen Hèze3:49
34 Ien MinuutRowwen Hèze4:52

30sec audio samples provided by

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