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Album Cover
Rude Kid Feat. Skepta
Get Busy

Album UK 2012 on Relentless Records label
Electronic and Hip-Hop/Rap (Grime, Drum’n’Bass, Electro House)

"Get Busy" contains elements from "What You Do" with lead vocals by Michelle Narine, vocal production by Giorgio Cresenza and Maurizio Nalli and engineered and mixed by Peter Stocola. Licensed courtesy of Finger Printz Entertainment Group. Used With Permission. Skepta appears courtesy of 3 Beat Productions Limited. ℗ & © 2012 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited Distributed by Sony Music Entertainment. Made in the EU. All trademarks and logos are protected. FOR PROMO USE ONLY, NOT FOR SALE

PortraitRude Kid , GB
album by
PortraitSkepta voc, *1982 GB
album by
PortraitMichelle Narine ,
lead vocals, sample, written by
PortraitGino Crescenza ,
producer, vocals, written by
PortraitMaurizio Nalli ,
producer, vocals, written by
Peter Stocola engineer, mixed by
Rude Kid producer
Kat Krazy remix
Matrix & Futurebound remix
Jamie Grind remix
Funkystepz remix
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Get Busy (Radio Version)Rude Kid Feat. Skepta2:58
2Get Busy (Kat Krazy Remix)Rude Kid Feat. Skepta3:13
3Get Busy (Matrix & Futurebound Remix)Rude Kid Feat. Skepta4:43
4Get Busy (Jamie Grind Remix)Rude Kid Feat. Skepta3:41
5Get Busy (Funky Stepz Remix)Rude Kid Feat. Skepta2:34
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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