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Album Cover
Мишка Presents Keep Watch Vol. XII

Album 2009 on МИШКА label
Dance (Dubstep, Big Beat)

Duration: 47:05 Tracks 1.17 to 1.20 are incorrectly appearing two times on the back cover.

PortraitRusko , *1985 US
album by
PortraitExcision , CA
performer on track
PortraitRedlight b, *1980 GB
performer on track
PortraitJakes ,
performer on track
PortraitMr Hudson voc, g, p, *1979 GB
performer on track
PortraitCaspa , GB
performer on track
PortraitMarkomen ,
performer on track
PortraitDire Straits , 1977-1988 GB
performer on track
PortraitThe Prodigy , *1990 GB
performer on track
PortraitTempa T voc, *1984 GB
performer on track
PortraitJaded Heart , *1990 DE
performer on track
Rusko dj mix
Datsik remix
Giant remix
Plastician remix
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Da Cali AnthemRusko
2No Escape (Datsik Rmx)Excision
3MyloveRedlight (4)
4Badboy BassRusko
5Slow NailsRusko
6Stupid SkrillaJakes
7WhiteliesMr Hudson
82 Girls 1 CupRusko
10Louder VIPCaspa (3)
11Code ZebraJakes
12Come Ere N Say ThatRusko
15Money For Nothin (Giant Booty)Dire Straits
17Rock SolidRedlight (4)
18Your On My Mind BabyRusko
19TMTTH (Rusko Remix)The Prodigy
20Kumon KumonRusko
21StupidRedlight (4)
22Next Hype (Plastician Rmx)Tempa T
23Paper BagRusko
24Easy Lover (Edit)Jaded Heart
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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