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Album Cover
Ruth Rubin
Yiddish Love Songs

Album US 1957 on Riverside Records label

PortraitRuth Rubin voc, 1906-2000 CA
vocals, album by
PortraitFred Hellerman voc, g, *1927 US
accompanied by, guitar, album by
Paul Bacon design
Käthe Kollwitz illustration
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Shpilt-zhe Mir (Play for Me)Ruth Rubin
2Gitare (Guitar)Ruth Rubin
3Shvern Shver Ich Dir (I Vow to You)Ruth Rubin
4Vos Vilstu Muter Hobn? (Mother, Why Do You Torment Me?)Ruth Rubin
5Fishelch Koyfn (To Buy Some Fish)Ruth Rubin
6Ich Fir A Libe (I Am in Love)Ruth Rubin
7Tsvey Taybelech (Two Little Turtledoves)Ruth Rubin
8Sheltn Shelt Ich Dem Tog (I Curse the Day)Ruth Rubin
9Avu Diztu Geven? (Where Have You Been)Ruth Rubin
10Hostu Mich Lib (If You Love Me)Ruth Rubin
11Forn Forstu Fon Mir Avek (You Are Leaving Me)Ruth Rubin
12Ale Vasserlech (All the Rivulets)Ruth Rubin
13TumbalalaykaRuth Rubin
14Papir Iz Doch Vays (Paper is White)Ruth Rubin
15Her Oys, Du Meydele (Listen Little Maiden)Ruth Rubin
16Baym Obsheyd (At Parting)Ruth Rubin
17Oyfn Yam (On the Sea)Ruth Rubin
18Shtil Di Nacht Iz Oysgeshternt (Silent, the Starry Night)Ruth Rubin
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