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Sérgio Ricardo

voc, g, *1932 BR, São Paulo
Singer / Musician / Composer of Latin and Jazz
A.k.a. João Lutfi

Sérgio Ricardo, stage name of João Lutfi (born in Marília, São Paulo, June 18, 1932), is a Brazilian singer, composer and award-winning film director. In 1957 he recorded his first 78 rpm through RGE, soon followed by another. It was then, when Maysa (Maysa Matarazzo) heard one of his compositions and recorded "Buquê de Isabel" on one of her first albums. Accompanying the singer on a TV show, he was invited to join the station as a soap opera actor. He continued to work both in music and on TV. In the late 50s he became part of the first group of composers of the Bossa nova movement and released one of the first Bossa Nova albums ("Não Gosto Mais de Mim/ A Bossa romãntica" in 1960). Soon after he began to take notice of political and social problems, which led him to compose songs portraying these themes. Also his film making started to reflect this interest. At that time he made his first short film "O Menino da Calça Branca" (22 min., 1961), which won several awards on film festivals in 1962. Longer award winning films followed during the next years: "Esse Mundo É Meu" (1964), "Juliana Do Amor Perdido" (1968) and "A Noite Do Espantalho" (1973). During his film projects he always found time to record more albums. He recorded successfully many soundtracks for movies and TV-plays, again well received by the different film festivals. In 1991, he released his book "Quem Quebrou meu Violão". He is also active as a painter.

  • Vocals
  • Guitar
  • Piano
  • Harmonica
  • Viola
  • Latin
  • Jazz
  • World
  • Folk
  • R&B/Soul
Plays With
Lindolfo Gaya
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Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Members

Title Artist Year Type
Bossa Romântica & Trilhas 1959-1964Sérgio Ricardo2013Album
Grande Parada Elenco 1Antonio Carlos Jobim, Astrud Gilberto, Baden Powell, Ciro Monteiro, Nara Leão, Quarteto Em Cy, Mário Reis, Edu Lobo, Rosinha de Valença, Sérgio Ricardo, Odette Lara, Dick Farney2008Compil.
Ponto De PartidaSérgio Ricardo2008Album
Quando Menos Se EsperaSérgio Ricardo2001Album
Mestres Da MpbSérgio Ricardo1994Compil.
Juntos!Edu Lobo, Sérgio Ricardo, Taiguara, Pery Ribeiro, Johnny Alf1988Compil.
Estória De João-JoanaSérgio Ricardo1985Album
Do Lago À CachoeiraSérgio Ricardo1983Album
Canto Do PovoGeraldo Vandré, Sérgio Ricardo, Edu Lobo, Marilia Medalha1982Single
FlictsSérgio Ricardo, Ziraldo, MPB4, Quarteto Em Cy1980Album
Vandré & Sérgio Ricardo JuntosGeraldo Vandré & Sérgio Ricardo1980Album
Do Lago À CachoeiraSérgio Ricardo1979Album
Ponto De PartidaSérgio Ricardo1977Single
Sergio RicardoSérgio Ricardo1975Album
Trilha Sonora Do Filme A Noite Do EspantalhoSérgio Ricardo1974Album
Sergio RicardoSérgio Ricardo1973Album
ArrebentaçãoSérgio Ricardo1971Album
Tema Do Filme "Juliana Do Amor Perdido" / Mundo VelhoSérgio Ricardo1970Single
Canto do Amor Armado / Dia de GraçaSérgio Ricardo1968Single
Girassol / LuandaluarSérgio Ricardo1968Single
A Grande Música De Sérgio RicardoSérgio Ricardo1967Album
Um Sr. TalentoSérgio Ricardo1967Album
Quando Vem Dia PrimeiroSérgio Ricardo1966Single
Êsse Mundo É MeuLindolfo Gaya, Sérgio Ricardo1964Album
Ritmos Esso Em Samba TwistSérgio Ricardo1963Single
Deus E O Diabo Na Terra Do SolSérgio Ricardo1963Album
Depois Do AmorSérgio Ricardo1961Album
Não Gosto Mais de Mim: A Bossa Romântica de Sérgio RicardoSérgio Ricardo1960Album
Dançante No. 1Sérgio Ricardo1958Album
Aleluia / Deus E O Diabo Na Terra do SolSérgio RicardoSingle
Um Sr. TalentoSérgio RicardoAlbum
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