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Album Cover
Söhne Mannheims

Album DE 2004 on Söhne Mannheims label
Hip-Hop/Rap and R&B/Soul

℗ & © 2004 Xavier Naidoo GmbH „Söhne Mannheims“ Made in the EU.

PortraitSöhne Mannheims , *1995 DE
album by
PortraitMichael Herberger key, DE
arranged by, strings & orchestra, executive-producer, keyboards, producer, programmed by, recorded by, arranged by, strings & orchestra (babylon system), composed by, choir
PortraitRobbee Mariano b, 1971-2018 DE
PortraitFlorian Sitzmann key, p, *1965 DE
conductor, keyboards, arranged by, strings & orchestra (intro), composed by, choir, grand piano
PortraitStefan Klieme , *1956 DE
conductor, orchestrated by
PortraitBernd Herrmann dr, DE
PortraitRalf Gustke dr, *1964 DE
drums, drums, additional
PortraitYvonne Betz voc, *1976 DE
edited by, vocals
PortraitAndreas Bayless g, *1966 DE
PortraitKosho voc, g, *1962 DE
guitar, instruments, stringed instruments, acoustic guitar
PortraitXavier Naidoo voc, *1971 DE
human beatbox, beat, producer, programmed by, vocals, keyboards, composed by, choir
PortraitDeutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg , DE
The German Pops Orchestra Stuttgart
PortraitMarlon B voc, DE
PortraitMetaphysics , *1973 DE
PortraitBilly Davis voc, key, *1972 DE
PortraitClaus Eisenmann voc, *1967 DE
PortraitMichael Klimas voc, DE
PortraitTino Oac voc, DE
PortraitPhilippe Van Eecke ,
recorded by, vocals
PortraitChor Des Nationaltheaters Mannheim ,
PortraitBernhard Schneider voc, *1967 DE
composed by, choir, leader
PortraitMarion Fluck fl, voc,
flute, bamboo
PortraitGudrun Walther voc, vn, acc, DE
hurdy gurdy
PortraitEdo Zanki voc, key, *1952 DE
recorded by, drums
Elke Raubenheimer artwork artwork
Chris Oz engineer, additional tone-ing, recorded by, additional
Michael Schwabe mastered by
Markus Born mixed by, producer, recorded by
Winnie Leyh mixed by
Michael Schubert recorded by
Peter Falke recorded by, assistant
Neil Palmer recorded by
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Wenn Du SchläfstSöhne Mannheims4:35
2VielleichtSöhne Mannheims3:53
3Von Anfang An Dabei (Lied Eines Palästinensers/Israelis)Söhne Mannheims5:28
4Babylon SystemSöhne Mannheims6:25
5König Der KönigeSöhne MannheimsBernhard Schneider, Florian Sitzmann, Michael Herberger4:17
6Traurige LiederSöhne Mannheims6:49
7ZionoizionSöhne MannheimsBernhard Schneider, Michael Herberger, Xavier Naidoo5:46
8Im Interesse Unserer GemeinschaftSöhne Mannheims4:33
9Ich Geh Mit DirSöhne Mannheims5:00
10Can You Feel It?Söhne Mannheims5:25
11Dein LebenSöhne Mannheims5:38
12Zurück Zu DirSöhne Mannheims5:06
13Und Wenn Ein LiedSöhne Mannheims4:25
14 Vater UnserSöhne Mannheims1:28

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Söhne Mannheims - Noiz DE 2004 Hip-Hop/Rap and R&B/Soul
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