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Album Cover
Sachiko Kobayashi

Single JP 1998 on Pikachu Records label
Electronic, Pop and Soundtrack (Ballad, Vocal, Theme, Tribal)

Recorded at サウンドインスタジオ 音響ハウス ON AIR麻布スタジオ

PortraitSachiko Kobayashi voc, *1953 JP
album by
Akihito Toda
producer, sound, lyrics by
PortraitHirokazu Tanaka , *1957 JP
producer, sound, composed by, composed by, arranged by, programmed by
PortraitKan Sawada ,
arranged by
PortraitOtowa Yurikagokai , JP
PortraitPokémon Kids ,
PortraitGo Sudo ,
computer, manipulator
PortraitJun Sumida eg, g, JP
PortraitRaymond Johnson ,
Tetsu Kayama a&r, producer
Hidehiko Kitajima art direction
Keiichi Yamamoto design
Sayumi Iwata design, product
Takeshi Masumura directed by
Ken Sakamoto executive-producer
Katsuharu Nagata producer
Takashi Yoshida producer
Yosuke Ozawa producer
Hidetaka Hikosaka recorded by
Hiroshi Osako recorded by
Masakazu Kimura recorded by
Masato Morisaki recorded by
Masayoshi Okawa recorded by
Satoru Yamaguchi recorded by
Yoichiro Kano recorded by
Tsunekazu Ishihara supervised by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1風といっしょにSachiko KobayashiHirokazu Tanaka, Akihito Toda4:59
2すてきなコレクションSachiko KobayashiHirokazu Tanaka, Akihito Toda4:11
3風といっしょに (カラオケ)Sachiko Kobayashi4:59
4すてきなコレクション (カラオケ)Sachiko Kobayashi4:11
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