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Album Cover
Sandie Shaw
Canta En Español - Eurovision '67

Single ES 1967 on Pye Records label
Pop (Vocal, Schlager)

Different labels design than the other version on base, Canta En Español - Eurovision '67. All songs sung in Spanish. A1: Canción representante de Inglaterra en el Festival de Eurovisión 1967. (Song representing the United Kingdom (literally England) in the Eurovision Festival 1967).

PortraitSandie Shaw voc, *1947 GB
album by
PortraitKen Woodman tr, 1928-2000 GB
directed by, dirección, arranged by, arreglos
PortraitFrancisco Ontañón ,
photography by, fotografía
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Marionetas En La Cuerda = Puppet On A StringSandie ShawBill Martin & Phil Coulter, C. Mapel2:26
2A Los Chicos Les Dirás = Tell The BoysSandie ShawManuel Salina, Mitch Murray, Peter Callander2:50
3Otra Vez Soñé = Had A Dream Last NightSandie ShawChris Andrews, Manuel Clavero2:30
4Dile A Cualquiera = Ask Any WomanSandie ShawGerry Langley, Jimmy Stewart, Manuel Clavero2:55
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Sandie Shaw - Canta En Español - Eurovision '67 VE Pop
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