Born in Birmingham, Alabama. Simone has long cherished music from the 30^s and 40's. So the record the legacy of Duke Ellington's music was a natural first choice. Having been especially encouraged by the number of young people who have stepped forward to say they enjoy the music of that period, this album is not only in remembrance of the contributions of the Duke, but is also an effort to continue to promise a cultural heritage. Simone began singing in church, at the age of five or six, in her native town of Birmingham, Alabama. After a traumatic experience, singing was abandoned until high school where, again the odds, it was pursued once more... then abandoned again. After a marriage, a family, a move to California (that lasted 20 years), and a career in social work, Simone returned once again to her love singing. She also returned to the south-Atlanta, Georgia-where the now resides.
Title | Artist | Year | Type |
...Doing The Duke | Sandra Simone | Album |