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Band, AT

Saxofour is an Austrian saxophone ensemble, especially the experimental jazz and improvised music New plays. The musicians are Bramböck Florian , Klaus Dick Bauer , Christian Maurer and Wolfgang Puschnig . The musicians switch between various saxophones and clarinets , Wolfgang Puschnig also plays flute . The ensemble was founded in 1991 on the occasion of Austria Jazztage Vöcklabruck and completed since then Europe more than two hundred concerts. It was also known by the cooperation with the Portuguese singer Maria João .

PortraitWolfgang Puschnig
as, fl *1956 AT
PortraitKlaus Dickbauer
as *1961 AT
PortraitFlorian Bramböck
sax *1959 AT
PortraitChristian Maurer
ts, ss *1967 AT

Band Membership

Title Artist Year Type
25 Years Of Joy And FunSaxofour, Jamaaladeen Tacuma, Timmy Hutson2017Album
es wohnt ein friedlich' ton in meinem saxophonSaxofour2016Album
Music For All OccasionsSaxofour2013Album
Die Zaubertröte - Saxofour Plays MozartSaxofour2010Album
Our Favourite FilmsongsSaxofour2007Album
CincoSaxofour, Maria João2005Album
European ChristmasSaxofour, Maria João2004Album
Reindeer GamesSaxofour2002Album
Vocalizing ReedsSaxofour2002Album
Lasst Uns Froho Uhund Munter SeinSaxofour2000Album
Horns AstraySaxofour1998Album
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Saxofourte Classical and Jazz Band DE
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