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Album Cover
Scott Maddox
King Size Blue

Album DK 1995 on Instant Records label
Electronic and Pop (Tech House)

Recorded and improvised at Trackhouse and Upstairs Studios during the course of 1994 in Copenhagen, Denmark "Techno Girl´s Revenge!" (Remix) Remixed in ARP Studiet B in Århus, Denmark April 1995. "Techno Girl Flies" Remixed in ALStudio in Århus, Denmark, by Al and Scott in 37 minutes. Track 2 contains the hidden track "Techno Girl Flies" Distributed by PolyGram Records A/S Antonigade 11, 1106 København K

PortraitScott Maddox voc,
album by
Al Flemming
other, special mucial guests
Caveman, The
other, special mucial guests
PortraitChristian Warming ,
other, special mucial guests
Dan Hemmar
other, special mucial guests
PortraitHenrik Munch ,
other, special mucial guests, producer, arranged by
PortraitJesper Hansen ,
other, special mucial guests
PortraitKjeld Tolstrup voc, 1965-2011 DK
other, special mucial guests, producer, arranged by
Michael Miller Olsen
other, special mucial guests
Leo Wassinger engineer, additional
Mads Eggert engineer, additional
Tania Presutti engineer, assistant
Flemming Hansson mastered by
Finn Jansen mixed by, producer
Scott Maddox mixed by, producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Enchilada (Radio Version)Scott Maddox3:33
2Techno Girl´s Revenge! (Remix)Scott Maddox10:25
3Techno Girl FliesScott Maddox2:10
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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