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Album Cover
Screaming Bloody Marys / Candy Snatchers
Screaming Bloody Marys Vs The Candy Snatchers

Single US 1996 on Frisbee Records label
Alternative (Garage Rock, Punk)

Screaming Bloody Marys side recorded at DCP, Spring '96. The Candy Snatchers side recorded at Coyote, Summer '94. "Police Truck" originally performed by Dead Kennedys. "Action Woman" originally performed by The Litter.

PortraitScreaming Bloody Marys , US
album by
PortraitCandy Snatchers , *1992 US
album by
PortraitJoey Reyes ,
PortraitJohn Surrel dr,
PortraitJuan Jesus g, voc,
PortraitDave Dalton g, voc,
guitar, vocals, written by
PortraitSpider Valentine voc,
vocals, written by
PortraitWilly Johns b, US
PortraitGreg Miller dr, US
PortraitMatthew Odietus g, bvoc, 1967-2008 US
guitar, written by
PortraitLarry May voc, US
vocals, written by
Spider Valentine layout
East Bay Ray producer
Steve Baise producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Ill ReputeScreaming Bloody MarysDave Dalton, Spider Valentine
2Police TruckScreaming Bloody MarysEast Bay Ray, Jello Biafra
3Church PoliceCandy SnatchersLarry May, Matthew Odietus
4Action WomanCandy SnatchersWarren Kendrick
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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