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Album Cover
Serge Gainsbourg
Enregistrement Public Au Théâtre Le Palace

Album FR 1980 on Philips label
Reggae and Pop (Chanson)

Recorded live in Théatre Le Palace, 8 rue du Faubourg Montmartre, Paris 9è; December 28th 1979. This version is the 1st press and does NOT have the titles of the song on the back sleeve unlike 2nd edition: Enregistrement Public Au Théâtre Le Palace. With insert. Some copies had a promo sticker "Reggae Live"

PortraitSerge Gainsbourg voc, 1928-1991 FR
album by, written by, music by
PortraitRobbie Shakespeare b, *1953 JM
PortraitCandy Mckenzie bvoc, GB
Kay Williams
Michelle Jackson
PortraitLowell Dunbar dr,
PortraitMikey Chung g, b, *1954 JM
PortraitRadcliffe "Dougie" Bryan g, voc, JM
guitar, rhythm
PortraitAnsel Collins org, key, *1949 JM
PortraitUziah "Sticky" Thompson perc, JM
Tom Bamberger
photography by, inner
PortraitRouget de Lisle , FR
lyrics by
André Perriat mastered by
Geoffrey Chung mixed by
Jacques Aubert photography by, front cover
Philippe Lerichomme producer
Paul Scemama recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1DrifterSerge GainsbourgDennis Walks, Harry Mudie3:45
2Relax Baby Be CoolSerge Gainsbourg3:52
3Marilou Reggae DubSerge Gainsbourg5:02
4Daisy TempleSerge Gainsbourg4:34
5Brigade Des StupsSerge Gainsbourg4:04
6Elle Est SiSerge GainsbourgJacques Dutronc, Serge Gainsbourg1:15
7Aux Armes Et CaeteraSerge GainsbourgRouget de Lisle3:51
8Pas Long FeuSerge Gainsbourg4:06
9Les LocatairesSerge Gainsbourg4:26
10Docteur Jekyll Et Monsieur HydeSerge Gainsbourg3:38
11Harley DavidsonSerge Gainsbourg4:57
12Javanaise RemakeSerge Gainsbourg4:20
13Des Laids Des LaidsSerge Gainsbourg3:48
14Vieille Canaille "You Rascal You"Serge GainsbourgJacques Plante, Sam Theard3:17
15Présentation Des MusiciensSerge Gainsbourg2:00
16Bonnie And ClydeSerge Gainsbourg4:32
17Lola RastaquouèreSerge Gainsbourg4:16
18Aux Armes Et CaeteraSerge Gainsbourg4:20
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