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Album Cover
Night Birds

Album UK 1982 on Polydor label
Electronic and R&B/Soul (Jazz-Funk, Disco)

Recorded at Jacobs Studios, Surrey and PYE Studio II, London. Original sound recording made by Polydor Ltd.(London). Skratch Music Ltd. ℗ 1982 Polydor Ltd.(London) Has the cat. # as POLS1059 on the back of the sleeve. Cassette POLSC 1059

PortraitShakatak , *1980 GB
album by
PortraitGeorge Anderson b, *1958 GB
bass, music man sting ray, g&l 2000e
PortraitRoger Odell dr, GB
cymbal, zildjian, drums, sonor, written by
PortraitBill Sharpe key, *1952 GB
synthesizer, oberheim o.b.x., arp odyssey, prophet 10, electric piano, fender rhodes, grand piano, bosendorfer, written by
PortraitKeith Winter g, GB
effects, mesa boogie amplification, custom pedal board, acoustic guitar, ovation, guitar, yamaha sg 2000, gibson 345
PortraitJack Adams , GB
mastered by, cut
PortraitNigel Wright bvoc, GB
producer, trombone, arranged by, brass, synthesizer, oberheim o.b.x., prophet 10, electric piano, fender rhodes
PortraitStuart Brooks tr, fh,
Main Titles Ltd.
typography, typographic design
PortraitJackie Rawe voc, bvoc,
vocals, soloist, vocals
PortraitJill Saward voc, *1953 GB
PortraitLorna Bannon voc, GB
vocals, lead vocals
PortraitDick Morrissey ts, fl, 1940-2000 GB
soloist, saxophone
PortraitSimon Morton perc, cng, GB
percussion, vocals, translated by, portuguese translation
Alwyn Clayden design, art direction
John Buckley engineer
Les McCutcheon executive-producer
Peter Ashworth photography by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Night BirdsShakatak
3Rio NightsShakatak
4Fly The WindShakatak
5Easier Said Than DoneShakatak
6Bitch To The BoysShakatak
7Light On My LifeShakatak
8Takin' OffShakatak
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Shakatak - Night Birds UK 1982 Electronic, R&B/Soul and Pop
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