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Album Cover
Sheena Easton
Sheena Easton

Album US 1981 on EMI America label
Electronic and Rock (Synth-pop, Pop Rock)

Labels have two rim text arcs, one top, one bottom. Capitol logo appears in top text arc. Capitol Records Pressing Plant, Winchester pressing denoted by •-------◁ in runout.

PortraitSheena Easton bvoc, *1959 GB
album by
PortraitAndy Brown b, voc,
PortraitPeter Van Hooke dr, *1950 GB
PortraitPhil Palmer g, voc, *1952 GB
guitar, written by
PortraitBilly Lyall , 1953-1989 GB
PortraitDerek Austin org, p, GB
PortraitIan Lynn ep, GB
PortraitDavid Cullen , *1942 GB
keyboards, arranged by, strings
PortraitPeter Vale , US
keyboards, backing vocals, written by
PortraitRon McMaster voc, dr, perc, *1949 US
lacquer cut by
PortraitFrank Ricotti perc, *1949 GB
PortraitTony Hall sax, GB
Alan Carvell backing vocals
Christopher Neil backing vocals, producer
Frank Musker backing vocals
Kim Goody backing vocals
Sharon Campbell backing vocals
Nick Ryan engineer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Morning Train (Nine To Five)Sheena EastonFlorrie Palmer3:20
2Don't Send FlowersSheena EastonPhil Pickett2:58
3CrySheena EastonFrank Musker, Garth Murphy3:30
4Take My TimeSheena EastonFlorrie Palmer, Paul Bliss2:39
5PrisonerSheena EastonDB Cooper, James Lance, Tony Riparetti3:34
6Modern GirlSheena EastonDominic Bugatti & Frank Musker3:35
7So Much In LoveSheena EastonDominic Bugatti & Frank Musker3:00
8Voice On The RadioSheena EastonPeter Vale, Phil Palmer3:19
9One Man WomanSheena EastonMike Leeson, Peter Vale3:05
10Calm Before The StormSheena EastonChristopher Neil, Peter Vale3:31
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Sheena Easton - Sheena Easton US 1983 Pop
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