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Album Cover
Shirley Walker

Album US 2013 on La-La Land Records label

PortraitShirley Walker key, 1945-2006 US
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Main TitleShirley Walker3:14
2Rats in the Basement/Willard Goes Home/Willard at Dad's PictureShirley Walker1:14
3Willard Checks TrapsShirley Walker0:50
4Demoted/Mr. MartinShirley Walker1:36
5GotchaShirley Walker0:50
6Socrates/Goodnight SocratesShirley Walker2:10
7Willard's Hatred BuildsShirley Walker1:10
8Big BenShirley Walker2:11
9Training MontageShirley Walker1:15
10The Tire MissionShirley Walker1:30
11Total Tire Recall/Not the PuppyShirley Walker4:19
12Willard's Revenge/Follow BenShirley Walker2:11
13In the Basement, Ben/Where's Mother?Shirley Walker1:03
14Ben, How Could You?Shirley Walker1:10
15My Only Friend/House Full of RatsShirley Walker1:44
16Willard Sees Ben/Willard Closes HoleShirley Walker2:13
17Splinters/Willard Gets the Boot/Socrates Gets ItShirley Walker4:06
18What Can We Do?/That's Not a MouseShirley Walker4:29
19Rats BegoneShirley Walker1:23
20Don't Go into the BathroomShirley Walker0:47
21We Need to GoShirley Walker1:04
22Rats Chase WillardShirley Walker2:37
23Trapped Like a RatShirley Walker2:35
24Willard's DemiseShirley Walker0:54
25He's Back/Socrates RepriseShirley Walker1:04
26End CreditsShirley Walker2:34
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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