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Album Cover
Sibel Can
Bir Güneş Batışında

Album TR 1991 on Kervan Plakçılık label
World (Ottoman Classical)

PortraitSibel Can voc, *1970 TR
album by
PortraitOzan Çolakoğlu , *1972 TR
programmed by, recorded by, arranged by, instruments, recorded by
PortraitÖzer Şenay fl,
arranged by, directed by
PortraitAşkın Tuna ,
written by, adapted by
PortraitSezen Aksu voc, *1954 TR
lyrics by
PortraitCem Karaca voc, 1945-2004 TR
lyrics by
PortraitMehmet Erbulan ,
lyrics by
PortraitŞemsettin Korkmaz ,
lyrics by
PortraitKemal Taşçeşme ,
lyrics by
PortraitCemal Safi ,
lyrics by
PortraitAysel Gürel voc, 1929-2008 TR
lyrics by
PortraitLevent Bektaş ,
lyrics by
PortraitHikmet Münir Ebcioğlu ,
lyrics by
Stüdyo Erol photography by
Burhan Kencebay producer
Duyal Karagözoğlu recorded by
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1GidemezsinSibel CanAşkın Tuna3:54
2Beni Yak Kendini YakSibel CanSezen Aksu5:31
3Ne OlurSibel CanCem Karaca4:47
4Ben O Zaman ÖlürümSibel CanMehmet Erbulan4:56
5Taht Kurmuşsun KalbimeSibel CanŞemsettin Korkmaz3:49
6Kara SevdaSibel CanKemal Taşçeşme4:55
7Bir Güneş BatışındaSibel CanSelami Şahin5:18
8Gözüm KesmiyorSibel CanCemal Safi5:55
9UslanmıyorsunSibel CanAysel Gürel3:20
10Ölsem Bundan Daha İyiSibel CanLevent Bektaş4:30
11 Track 11Sibel Can9:17
12 Sevmekten Kim UsanırSibel CanHikmet Münir Ebcioğlu
13 Bağdat YoluSibel CanCevat Ultanır
14 Açılan Bir Gül GibiSibel CanHasan Hasgüler

30sec audio samples provided by

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