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Album Cover
Choke Point

Album US 2018 on Problems They Persist label
Alternative (Hardcore, Grindcore, Noise)

CD contains two tracks (Deposition I and II) Invididual tracks are listed here. Drums recorded September 2011 at Anderson House Bass recorded June 2016 at Hush Studios Vocals recorded December 2016 at PTP HQ

PortraitSidetracked ,
album by
PortraitAndrew Gentz b,
PortraitBrian Skiffington dr, US
PortraitJay Tichy voc, g, b, US
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Snap JudgmentSidetracked
2Toil Without RespiteSidetracked
3Conflict of InterestSidetracked
4Despair All EncompassingSidetracked
5Destruction LogicSidetracked
6Backed Into a CornerSidetracked
7One DimensionalSidetracked
8Moot PointSidetracked
9Eventual DemiseSidetracked
10Deductive ReasoningSidetracked
11Shot Down/No ChanceSidetracked
12Prisoners DilemmaSidetracked
13Burst of SilenceSidetracked
15Anno DominiSidetracked
16Annihilation DoctrineSidetracked
17Deride The ElitistSidetracked
18Choke PointSidetracked
19Opportunity SquanderedSidetracked
21Execution StyleSidetracked
23The Human ConditionSidetracked
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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