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Album DE 2004 on Aggro Berlin label
Hip-Hop/Rap (Gangsta, Pop Rap)

Vertrieben von Aggroberlin. ℗&© Aggroberlin 2004. Made in Berlin, Germany. Tracks 1, 3, 4, 8, 11 to 13, 16: Produziert, aufgenommen und gemischt […] für Headrush music productions [sic] @ Headrush studios Düsseldorf [sic] Tracks 2, 5, 6, 10, 15, 17: Gemischt […] in den Aggrostudios, Berlin sido Gold/Aggrostarz Edition Sehr Gut/BMG/Ufa R. Preylowski published by headrush music publishers ltd. [sic] Beathoavenz/Che Che Music GbR/Edition EMI Music Publishing GmbG [sic] & CoKG [sic] B-Tight/Aggrostarz Edition Sehr Gut/BMG/Ufa —— Track 12: melody and lyrics of the intro are based on "Spüre Diesen Groove..." by MC René. Track 12: melody based on "Mission: Impossible" by Lalo Schifrin. Track 17: melody and lyrics based on "Jenny From The Block" by Jennifer Lopez. Due to track 8, "Endlich Wochen Ende", which was considered as youth-endangering for glorifying drug abuse, the release was indexed (Liste A) by the BPjM (Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien) in Germany on September 30, 2005. This effectively means that it is illegal to openly advertise or sell the release to minors in Germany. In November 2005, "Maske X" was released, a censored version of "Maske", which ironically replaced "Endlich Wochen Ende" with "Arschficksong (Relax Mix)", a song, whose lyrical content exclusively centers around anal sex.

PortraitSido voc, *1980 DE
album by
PortraitBeathoavenz , DE
arranged by, producer, recorded by, music by
PortraitSido Gold , DE
lyrics by, music by
PortraitWerd ,
scratches, cuts
PortraitMesut , TR
featuring, lyrics by
PortraitTony D , *1983 DE
featuring, lyrics by
PortraitMok , *1976 DE
PortraitOlli Banjo voc, *1977 DE
featuring, lyrics by, vocals, gesang
PortraitHarris , *1976 DE
featuring, lyrics by
PortraitDie Sekte , *1998 DE
PortraitB-Tight , *1979 DE
lyrics by, music by
PortraitBendt , *1983 DE
lyrics by
PortraitFuhrman , DE
lyrics by
Specter artwork, art direction, artdirection
Bommer mixed by, producer
Olli.NBK photography by
B-Tight producer
Sido Gold producer
Roe Beardie producer, recorded by, mixed by
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1InterviewSidoSido Gold, R. Preylowski / Sido Gold2:17
2Aus'm WegSidoSido Gold, Sido Gold / Sido Gold4:23
3Steig Ein!SidoSido Gold, R. Preylowski / Sido Gold3:37
4Mein BlockSidoSido Gold, R. Preylowski / Sido Gold4:08
5MaskeSidoSido Gold, Sido Gold / Sido Gold3:28
6Mama Ist StolzSidoSido Gold, Sido Gold / Sido Gold4:17
7Sido Und Die DrogenSido1:37
8Endlich Wochen EndeSidoSido Gold, R. Preylowski / Sido Gold3:44
93 LebenSidoMesut, Sido Gold, Tony D, Beathoavenz / Sido Gold. TonyD. Mesut4:34
10KnastSidoSido Gold, Sido Gold / Sido Gold5:22
11TaxiSidoOlli Banjo, Sido Gold, R. Preylowski / Sido Gold. Olli Banjo3:06
12Fuffies Im ClubSidoSido Gold, R. Preylowski / Sido Gold3:47
13Was Hat Er?SidoSido Gold, R. Preylowski / Sido Gold4:09
14Glas Hoch!SidoHarris, Sido Gold, Beathoavenz / Sido Gold. Harris4:59
15Die SekteSidoB-Tight, Bendt, Fuhrman, Mesut, Sido Gold, Tony D, B-Tight / Sido Gold. B-Tight. TonyD. Mesut. Fuhrmann. Bendt5:04
16GhettolochSidoSido Gold, R. Preylowski / Sido Gold3:58
17Sido Aus'm BlockSidoSido Gold, Bommer / Sido Gold1:21

30sec audio samples provided by

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