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Album Cover
Singer Pur
Das Hohelied Der Liebe ▪ The Song Of Songs

Album DE 2007 on Oehms Classics label
Classical (Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Contemporary)

Recorded November 27–30, 2006, Himmelfahrtskirche/München-Sendling

PortraitSinger Pur , DE
album by
PortraitReiner Schneider-Waterberg bs,
baritone vocals, baritone, liner notes, german, english
PortraitMarcus Schmidl b, *1971 DE
bass vocals, bass, photography by, booklet photographs (p. 17, 23, 29), photography by, cover photograph
PortraitKlaus Wenk ts,
liner notes, german, english, tenor vocals, tenor, shruti box, shruti-box
PortraitClaudia Reinhard ss, DE
soprano vocals, soprano
PortraitManuel Warwitz ts, AT
tenor vocals, tenor
PortraitMarkus Zapp ts, DE
tenor vocals, tenor
Selke Music & Media Design artwork
Peter Rieckhoff booklet editor, editorial
Markus Schmuck photography by, booklet photograph (p. 32)
Dieter Oehms producer
Christoph Martin Frommen edited by, editing, producer, recording producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Surge, Propera Amica MeaSinger PurDominique Phinot8:01
2Canticum Canticorum IISinger PurIvan Moody10:04
3PrologueSinger Pur0:34
4Let Him Kiss MeSinger Pur1:17
5Draw Me, We Will Run After ThreeSinger Pur1:31
6I Am Black But ComelySinger Pur1:40
7Draw Me, We Will Run After ThreeSinger Pur1:38
8Tell Me, O Thou Whom My Soul LovethSinger Pur2:44
9EpilogueSinger Pur0:40
10Surge, Propera Amica MeaSinger PurLeonhard Lechner2:57
11Anima Mea Liquefacta EstSinger PurGuillaume Dufay2:50
12SongSinger PurBrian Elias7:06
13Veni, Electa MeaSinger PurJean Richafort4:27
14Ego Dormio (Et Cor Meum Vigilat)Singer PurHeinrich Schütz7:02
15Ego Dilecto MeoSinger PurJoanne Metcalf2:52
16Tota Pulchra EsSinger PurJohn Plummer4:06
17Tota Pulchra EsSinger PurLudwig Senfl8:40
18Der Gesang Der GesängeSinger PurWilhelm Keller6:55
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