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Album Cover
Skinny Puppy
The Greater Wrong Of The Right (Live)

Album US 2005 on Synthetic Symphony label
Electronic (Industrial)

Disc One contains "The Greater Wrong of the Right" tour live in Toronto and Montreal. Disc Two contains "Information Warfare", "Eurotrauma: Skinny Puppy live in Europe 1986", "Too Dark Park: Archival Footage", "Last Rights: Archival Footage". There is a hidden video of "Pro-test" in disc two as well. Misspelling: Warlock should be spelt as "Worlock". Hexonexxon should be spelt as "Hexonxonx". Chapter selections contain clips from the CD "Puppy Gristle".

PortraitSkinny Puppy , 1982-1995 CA
album by
PortraitWilliam Morrison g,
bass, guitar
PortraitJustin Bennett dr,
Cevin Key
PortraitNivek Ogre key, syn, g, voc, *1962 CA
Ken Marshall producer
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1DownsizerSkinny Puppy4:42
2I'mmortalSkinny Puppy4:21
3Pro-testSkinny Puppy5:25
4EmpteSkinny Puppy4:33
5CurcibleSkinny Puppy3:40
6God's Gift MaggotSkinny Puppy4:51
7VX Gas AttackSkinny Puppy5:49
8WarlockSkinny Puppy5:34
9Deep Down Trauma HoundsSkinny Puppy4:52
10 HexonexxonSkinny Puppy5:34
11 Tin OmenSkinny Puppy4:55
12 InquisitionSkinny Puppy5:24
13 Hardset HeadSkinny Puppy4:14
14 Human Disease (S.K.U.M.M.)Skinny Puppy6:22
15 Harsh Stone WhiteSkinny Puppy4:45
16 ReclamationSkinny Puppy7:05
17 EncoreSkinny Puppy
18 ConvulsionSkinny Puppy3:21
19 TestureSkinny Puppy5:37
20 Smothered HopeSkinny Puppy13:36
21 Eurotrauma: Skinny Puppy Live In Europe 1986Skinny Puppy
22 Too Dark Park: Archival FootageSkinny Puppy
23 Last Rights: Archival FootageSkinny Puppy
24 Pro-testSkinny Puppy

30sec audio samples provided by

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