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Album Cover
Sol Invictus
Sol Veritas Lux

Compil. UK 1990 on S.V.L. Records label
Electronic and Rock (New Wave, Neofolk)

Reprints the first two Sol Invictus LPs: Against The Modern World (tracks 1-8; recorded during 1987/8 at I.P.S. Studio and at the Shadow Factory) and In The Jaws Of The Serpent (tracks 9-18; recorded live at the Loft Club, Tokyo (Japan) on the 19th of December 1988). Track 19 is exclusive to this CD. Made in England On some copies, on the back of the tray there's the same face you find printed on the CD

PortraitSol Invictus , *1987 GB
album by
PortraitKarl Blake b, voc, *1956 GB
PortraitTony Wakeford voc, g, *1959 GB
bass, keyboards, drums, guitar, vocals
PortraitRose McDowall g, voc, *1959 GB
PortraitDik b,
engineer, drums, help, mixed by, help
PortraitIan Read voc, GB
keyboards, vocals
Liz Gray
violin, backing vocals, piano
Panic Station design
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Against The Modern WorldSol Invictus
2Angels FallSol Invictus2:56
3Raven ChorusSol Invictus5:25
4Against The Modern WorldSol Invictus1:58
5Long Live DeathSol Invictus3:22
6A Ship Is BurningSol Invictus1:49
7UntitledSol Invictus1:36
8Summer EndsSol Invictus3:09
9Wolf-Age, Axe-AgeSol Invictus4:11
10In The Jaws Of The SerpentSol Invictus
11Angels Fall (2)Sol Invictus3:10
12Rise And FallSol Invictus2:25
13The World TurnsSol Invictus2:55
14The RunesSol Invictus2:25
15Gold Is KingSol Invictus2:26
16TWA CorbiesSol Invictus1:59
17Somewhere In EuropeSol Invictus3:14
18MediaSol Invictus1:54
19Abattoirs Of LoveSol Invictus5:19
20Raven Chorus (2)Sol Invictus5:29
21The Joy Of The WorldSol Invictus7:15
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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