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Band, *1995 NO, Kristiansand
Rock and Electronic

Solefald is a Norwegian avant-garde metal band that was formed by members Lars Are "Lazare" Nedland and Cornelius Jakhelln in August 1995, with Lars singing, and playing keyboard, synthesizer, piano and drums, and Cornelius singing, and playing guitar and bass. The meaning of the band's name is best explained in an interview from Century Media Records website. Lazare states "Solefald is an old Norse word for sunset. We 'stole' it from a painting by the Norwegian artist Theodor Kittelsen. His two paintings 'Soleglad' and 'Solefald' portrays the cycle of being, and we found it to be a very fitting idea for our band." Cornelius also states "'Solefald' means literally 'the fall of the sun', or just 'sunset'; the way we spell it is Danish, from the 19th century."

voc, g, b NO
PortraitLars Nedland
org *1976
Popular Tracks   
World Music with Black Edges on World Metal. Kosmopolis Sud by Solefald
Jernlov on The Linear Scaffold by Solefald
Floating Magenta on The Linear Scaffold by Solefald
Philosophical Revolt on The Linear Scaffold by Solefald
Song til Stormen on Norron Livskunst by Solefald
Nutrisco Et Extinguo on In Harmonia Universal by Solefald
Bububu Bad Beuys on World Metal. Kosmopolis Sud by Solefald
Tittentattenteksti on Norron Livskunst by Solefald
Red View on The Linear Scaffold by Solefald
The Germanic Entity on World Metal. Kosmopolis Sud by Solefald

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Membership

Title Artist Year Type
World Metal. Kosmopolis SudSolefald2015Album
Bububu Bad BeuysSolefald2014Single
Norrønasongen. Kosmopolis NordSolefald2014Album
Vitets Vidd I VerdiSolefald2010Album
Norrøn LivskunstSolefald2010Album
T.B.O.E.F vs SOLEFALDSolefald2008Single
The Circular DrainSolefald2008Compil.
Black For Death - An Icelandic Odyssey Part IISolefald2006Album
MP3Borknagar & Solefald2005Compil.
Red For Fire - An Icelandic Odyssey Part ISolefald2005Album
In Harmonia UniversaliSolefald2003Album
Solefald / Carnal ForgeSolefald / Carnal Forge2001Album
Pills Against The Ageless IllsSolefald2001Album
The Linear ScaffoldSolefald1997Album
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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