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Artist Portrait

Somebody's Darling

Band, NO
Rock, Folk and World
A.k.a. Liz Tove Vespestad Tine Valand

Countryduo from Norway.

PortraitLiz Tove Vespestad
voc *1964
PortraitTine Valand
Popular Tracks   
Only Time on Somebody's Darling by Somebody's Darling
That's Why I Wear Black on Somebody's Darling by Somebody's Darling
You'll Remember Me on Somebody's Darling by Somebody's Darling
Dans Meg Gjennom Kropp Og Ånd on Cohen På Norsk - hadde månen en søster by Various Artists
That's Whay I Wear Black on Still Wearing Black by Somebody's Darling
If Not In Heaven on Forever For Now by Somebody's Darling
Someone I Don't Want To Be on Somebody's Darling by Somebody's Darling
Kapteinen on Cohen På Norsk - hadde månen en søster by Various Artists
Breathe on Somebody's Darling by Somebody's Darling
A Catcher In The Rye on Somebody's Darling by Somebody's Darling

Track list and 30sec audio provided by


Title Artist Year Type
Strange PillowsSomebody's Darling2006Single
WallsSomebody's Darling2006Album
Still Wearing BlackSomebody's Darling2003Compil.
Lament For FaithSomebody's Darling2003Album
Easy GoingSomebody's Darling1994Single
If Not In HeavenSomebody's Darling1994Single
Forever For NowSomebody's Darling1994Album
You'll Remember Me / That's Why I Wear BlackSomebody's Darling1993Single
Only Time / You'll Remember MeSomebody's Darling1993Single
You'll Remember MeSomebody's Darling1993Single
Dans Meg Gjennom Kropp Og ÅndSomebody's Darling & CC Cowboys1993Single
Somebody's DarlingSomebody's Darling1993Album
That's Why I Wear BlackSomebody's Darling1993Single
External Links
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