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Album FR 2016 on fleurs&Feuillages label
Electronic and Spoken Word (Sound Art, Dark Ambient, Drone)

released May 9, 2016 kevrenn unan : Le logis de Terre Noire (XLVIII) kevrenn daou : Holy strays of light (XLIX) blackgatesofheaven... goldenkeysfromhell gant SORC'HENN Laurent Boulouard eo SOR'CHENN Savet a vis du hag a vis kerzu MMIX A.C. e tavarn Keben Soñjezon da Hel, Lovely, SHN (c) 2009 SORC'HENN (p) 2016 Fleurs & Feuillages recording artists "C'est une destruction dans la joie"Recorded in early winter 2009, it took more than six years before the release of this album, the 13th by SORC'HENN. The title was missing. And nothing was possible with a wrong title : "Terre Noire" was not exactly there. A childhood story, when I saw the bus terminus and the strange leading to "Terre Noire", I imagined a timeless village, a medieval fort or a ruined mansion, a mound inhabited by rabbits... Another intriguing souvenir, that of termaji who came to tell us they had found the keys to paradise. By association, and by mistake, I imagined the gates of paradise. But now I think we have to dig deep to find these damn keys. Six years is not so long.

PortraitSorc'henn ,
album by
Laurent Boulouard producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Le logis de Terre NoireSorc'henn21:43
2Holy strays of lightSorc'henn21:29
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