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Album Cover
Spider Murphy Gang
Greatest Hits

Compil. DE 1990 on EMI Electrola label
Rock (Pop Rock)

8 bonus tracks compared to CD version

PortraitSpider Murphy Gang , *1977 DE
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Skandal Im SperrbezirkSpider Murphy Gang3:36
2Rock'n Roll RendezvousSpider Murphy Gang4:03
3Sch-bum ('S Leb'n Is Wiar A Traum)Spider Murphy Gang2:28
4Rock'n Roll SchuahSpider Murphy Gang3:00
5Beate UhSpider Murphy Gang4:12
6Mir San A Bayrische BandSpider Murphy Gang3:20
7SchickeriaSpider Murphy Gang3:35
8AutostopSpider Murphy Gang4:36
9So A Schöner TagSpider Murphy Gang3:15
10AchterbahnSpider Murphy Gang2:53
11Vis-A-VisSpider Murphy Gang3:03
12Wo Bist Du?Spider Murphy Gang3:14
13Wer Wird Denn WoanaSpider Murphy Gang3:36
14Mit'n Frosch Im Hois Und Schwammerl In De KniaSpider Murphy Gang3:39
15Rock'n'Roll Maschin'Spider Murphy Gang4:33
16Moni Moni MoniSpider Murphy Gang2:39
17Mädchen DrübnSpider Murphy Gang3:12
18Ich Schau Dich An (Peep Peep)Spider Murphy Gang3:00
19Pfüati Gott ElisabethSpider Murphy Gang4:42
20CadillacSpider Murphy Gang3:13
21HerzklopfenSpider Murphy Gang3:14
22Deine AugenSpider Murphy Gang3:46
23ReißverschlußSpider Murphy Gang3:17
24Oh! Oh! I Mog Di So!Spider Murphy Gang2:26
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Spider Murphy Gang - Greatest Hits DE 1986 Rock and Pop
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