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Album Cover
Stefan Sundström & Apache
En Bärs Med Nefertite

Album SE 1990 on Sista Bussen label
Rock, Folk, World and (Folk Rock)

Recorded and produced in SAMI Studio in the spring 1990.

PortraitStefan Sundström voc, g, *1960 SE
vocals, guitar, album by
PortraitApache ,
album by
PortraitPapa Mats acc,
accordion, synthesizer
PortraitPeder Af Ugglas ,
PortraitStefan Axelsen b, *1962 SE
PortraitJohan Johansson dr, voc, *1961 SE
PortraitOla Nyström g,
electric guitar, acoustic guitar
PortraitChrister Romin dr,
Jan Ljungwaldh
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Det Måste Löna Sig Att LevaStefan Sundström & Apache02:37
2PillerthrillerStefan Sundström & Apache02:18
3En Bärs Med NefertiteStefan Sundström & Apache05:07
4Hjältarna På KvarnenStefan Sundström & Apache02:59
5NäktergalStefan Sundström & Apache03:54
6Djävligt LugntStefan Sundström & Apache04:12
7Vals Till SSIStefan Sundström & Apache02:20
8FrispelStefan Sundström & Apache03:06
9BöglambadaStefan Sundström & Apache03:17
10MediamanStefan Sundström & Apache01:28
11Heliga Jungfruns HospitalStefan Sundström & Apache07:02
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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