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Album Cover
Stig & Steen
Forchromede Dage

Album DK 1973 on Sonet label
Rock (Folk Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Prog Rock)

Only 300-500 copies made (Reference: Rare Danish Rock Albums 1958-1977). Rated 3-star album in "Rarebookings Rare Records of Scandinavia".

PortraitStig & Steen , DK
album by
PortraitLeif Pedersen voc, org,
arranged by
PortraitKen Gudman dr, perc, 1947-2003 DK
PortraitNis P. Jørgensen voc, key,
producer, vocals, piano, organ, harmonium, flute, recorder, percussion, mellotron
PortraitSteen Toft Andersen b, DK
producer, vocals, electric bass, acoustic guitar, harmonica, harmonium, mellotron, electric piano, xylophone, written by
PortraitStig Kreutzfeldt voc, *1950 DK
producer, vocals, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, tabla, bongos, percussion, carillon, timpani, written by
Mick Moloney illustration
Chris Olesen layout
Arne Pedersen photography by
Freddy Hansson producer, engineer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1NedenomsvejStig & SteenSteen Toft Andersen6:31
2ForårsviseStig & SteenBørge Madsen, Stig Kreutzfeldt2:45
3MælkebøtterneStig & SteenSteen Toft Andersen5:30
4Bag Et Ukendt LandskabStig & SteenSteen Toft Andersen, Stig Kreutzfeldt3:35
5Forchromede DageStig & SteenSteen Toft Andersen5:37
6Natten Over StrandenStig & SteenSteen Toft Andersen, Stig Kreutzfeldt6:10
7Tabte SlagStig & SteenSteen Toft Andersen, Stig Kreutzfeldt5:54
8Bring Høsten IndStig & SteenSteen Toft Andersen2:36
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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